We are lobsters. We like to think, talk, drink, eat, and have all kinds of fun on the slope to the singularity.
Our patron saints are Charles Stross and Alan Turing. So, if you're in or passing by
- Lisboa (Olissipo, Lisbon, Lissabon, Lisbonne, Lisbona) in beautiful Portugal (
- Rio de Janeiro, RJ in fantastic Brasil (Brazil,
- London (Londres) in stiff upper lip England (Albion, Great Britain, GB, United Kingdom, UK,
- København (Copenhagen, Kopenhagen, Copenhague, Copenhaga) in sexy Danmark (Denmark, Dänemark, Dinamarca,
- Baile Átha Cliath (Dublin) in Guinness-loving Éire (Ireland, Irland, Irlande, Irlanda,
- Berlin (Berlín, Berlino) in Oktoberfestive Deutschland (Germany, Allemagne, Germania, Alemanha, Alemania,
and want to have a beer or a gin & tonic while chatting about deep philosophical questions and swapping insights into the coming singularity, drop us a ROTTEN* line to ybofgref@barbiremreb.bet